A Crimson Kiss Turns Four!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I realized on Monday, amidst the hubbub of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration, that A Crimson Kiss was celebrating a milestone of its own–four years! It was a treat to revisit my very first post, and amazing to see how very little has changed; I still love Swiss dot, letterpress stationery and Champagne, but then I guess the best things never go out of style. 

For a time, this blog's banner (back when this was Le Petite Coquin) read, "It is only the modern that ever becomes old-fashioned," and that Oscar Wilde quote is still the name of the folder where I collect shoe snapshots, beautiful bouquets and other bits of wedding ephemera. Thank you for sharing in my love of the classics, my fondness for a stiff drink and my predilection for pretty–it truly means the world to me. John and I are popping open a bottle of rosé tonight to celebrate, and I'll be toasting to each and every one of you.

xox, Lena

Image by Elizabeth Messina.


  1. Happy bday to your lovel blog Lena!
    I remember when this was 'Le Petite Coquin' :)


  2. Cheers to four years of lovely Lena inspired goodness!


  3. Yaaay! Happy, happy birthday! I love this space. It's a dose of pretty in the midst of an often hectic week. Keep up the good work and here's to four more wonderful years! xoxo

  4. Happy Blog Birthday sweet Lady. Im so glad you're here!

  5. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Happiest of Birthdays!!

  6. Happy 4th Blog Birthday!! Cheers~

  7. Conratulations on your 4th Blog Birthday - it’ s a lovely spot to dip in and out of!

  8. Happy Birthday!! I raise my virtual glass of bubbly to one of my very fav blogs and the lovely lady behind it!!

  9. Cheers! I raise my (currently imaginary) champagne cocktail glass to you and four years of lovely posts!

  10. Congrats sweetie! I've loved watching it grow

  11. How did I miss congratulating you here on your blog!! Here's to many more wonderful years of A Crimson Kiss!

  12. Happy 4 years, Lena! I simply adore your blog!

    Clare x

  13. happy four years, lena! I have loved reading!



A Crimson Kiss – Timeless Events and Classic Cocktails by Ana Degenaar : Blogger